Monday 6 September 2010


By the combined might of very strong medication, vast quantities of water and enforced rest I think things are getting better.

Management, god bless her confiscated my boots to stop me going outside. So I was left to tend the fire, therin lies it's own contradiction too. She insisted we keep the fire in to keep the house dry as the biblical innundation went on outside.

My laptop was moved downstairs so I didn't spend all day in bed but went to the living room.

She was in the old hotel bit with Bethan doing building type things.

It wasn't too bad till Tallie got home; he is a reincarnated lizard and temperatures in the living room reached 28 in the cool bit furthest away from the fire.

I was sat on the computer watching my clothes start to smolder. 

His mother meanwhile had opened the windows upstairs because it was too damn hot.

So now we sit here with the fire going in the living room and the windows open in the bed room.

Really this is very very good.

Much air is being moved through the building and a bit of heat stored in the walls.

But the good news I am feeling Ok again, being unable to move really depresses me

I will not be good at being disabled if that ever happens.


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