Wednesday 26 September 2007

A bi of restored faith.

Now I don't know the full story.

It seems that last week on a large construction project near here a group of real heroes decided that someone there was different.

This is West Wales and the guy's name was Mohamed so it does not take an Einstein to work out what was different about him.

These guys were really clever and they came up with this wizard jape they started marching about doing Nazi salutes and even pointed a hammer at him and pretended it was a gun.

I am sure there are howls of mirth round the world and wonder at the cleverness and funnyness of this all.

But this is where the story starts to turn. I'm not sure if the management didn't take it seriously or what but.

Next thing all 260 other people on that site simply put their tools down and walked away, 26 hours later they were still gone.

260 assorted sun readers, Tory voters, unreformed old labour, liberals, nationalists Jews Christians and of course no doubt a few muslims were so offended that anyone thought it was OK to treat a muslim like that in Britain today that they refused to work with people who did.

Really restored a bit of faith in the old place.

Feel like going down and ordering 260 pints in whatever pub they may be found in oh and a soft drink for Mohamed.


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